Thursday, November 17, 2005

Today I Vote For.............

Right now I am in office, merrily surfing the net and downloading/watching clips of US dramas and sitcoms that have not yet made to Asian cable TV channels because I am one of two employees who turned up for work today; another colleague who is also up to no good, eating at her desk and listening to music.

Since everyone I know has already dragged themselves to the polling booths scattered all over the country, I decided to go later in the evening. That way I get to have all the time I want to check out those pencils that are provided along with the ballot paper. I have always been fascinated with them. Each time I have cast my vote, I have tried to break the pencil point but it appears to be rock hard. I even tried to check out if it can be erased (my dad and grandad claim that it leaves a bluish or purplish color if the writing is rubbed off) by using my finger as an eraser but that just made some officials scowl ferociously in my direction.

I am not going to disclose who will receive my vote - I don't like either one of the two major candidates. They are both incompetent and surrounded by crooks. But then again voting for a man who wants to hand over a cow to every household isn't going to work for me either. So I shall vote for either Ranil or Mahinda, and hope that in 2009, a better candidate will present himself/herself so that I won't have to cringe at the prospect of marking an X near his/her name.

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