Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Babel Fish - Boredom Buster

Babel Fish (based on the creature in Douglas Adam's brilliant Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy) from Alta Vista is a fairly accurate (tried the reverse translation as well and it made sense most of the time) multi-lingual translation thingy that keeps me entertained when I am bored. It has also helped me grasp some very helpful phrases in Italian, French and Spanish.

Here are some examples: (all translations were made from English to French, Italian etc)

1) Where am I?

Italian : Dove sono?
French : Où suis-je ?
Spanish : ¿Dónde estoy?

2) Where are you taking me, you crazy cab driver?

Italian : Dove state prendendolo, voi driver pazzesco della carrozza?
French : Où me prenez-vous, vous conducteur fou de cabine ?
Spanish : ¿Dónde usted me está tomando, usted conductor loco del taxi?

3) A salad with black olives and feta cheese, one glass red wine and mushroom risotto, please.

Italian : Un'insalata con le olive e formaggio di feta nero, un vino rosso di vetro e risotto del fungo, per favore
French : Une salade avec les olives et le feta noir, un vin rouge de verre et le risotto de champignon, svp
Spanish : Una ensalada con las aceitunas y queso de queso Feta negro, un vino rojo de cristal y risotto de la seta, por favor

4) Football is such a waste of time.

Italian : Il gioco del calcio è un tal spreco di tempo.
French : Le football est une telle perte de temps.
Spanish : El balompié es tal pérdida de tiempo.

5) ET phone home

Italian : ET telefono domestico
French : ET téléphone à la maison
Spanish : ET teléfono casero

6) Go ahead, make my day

Italian : Vada avanti, faccia il mio giorno
French : Allez-y, faites mon jour
Spanish : Vaya a continuación, haga mi día

7) I'll be back

Italian : Sarò indietro
French : Je serai de retour
Spanish : Estaré detrás

8) Welcome to the Caribbean

Italian : Benvenuto ai Caraibi
French : Bienvenue vers les Caraïbes
Spanish : Recepción al Caribe

9) Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn

Italian : Franco il mio caro, non dò una maledizione
French : Franchement mon cher, je ne me soucie guère
Spanish : Franco mi querido, no doy una maldición

10) I would never call you a rat. I'm your best friend.

Italian : Mai non li denominerei un ratto. Sono il vostro amico migliore.
French : Je ne vous appellerais jamais un rat. Je suis votre meilleur ami.
Spanish : Nunca le llamaría una rata. Soy su mejor amigo.

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